Saturday, September 18, 2010

I made that!?!

Costa is a close friend of mine and one of the most generous and thoughtful person I know. Upon hearing of my new passion, he wanted to be supportive and offered me my first paying gig: 24 cupcakes for his clients. To show my appreciation for his support and trust, I wanted to make the most perfect 24 cupcakes ever. After a couple weeks of planning and practicing, I was so proud to present him with this.

Thankfully I wasn't the only one impressed, Costa loved them!!


  1. those are beautiful! what flavors did you do?

    btw, I made your banana peanut butter f'ing declicious!!!

  2. Yay!! Glad you liked the bread!

    The cupcakes were: coconut cupcake with coconut cream cheese icing, peanut butter and raspberry jelly chocolate cupcake, lemon meringue pie cupcake and strawberry cupcake with strawberry buttercream. Let me know if you want the recipes, they were pretty good.
